"Smart Services"

Craig Lordan is the Managing Director of Gravelroad

For individuals, businesses, and government “connectivity” has changed dramatically in the last 20 years and digitisation has transformed the way we access information, consume entertainment, and communicate with others.  

We are now on the cusp of a new major transformation where connectivity will explode through the Internet of Things (IoT) and provide new opportunities for those governments and businesses with foresight.   Traditional business information will be combined with data from the real world through IoT to realise benefit.

An often-used term is “Smart City” with the concept referring to the use technology to improve community outcomes, it can also be applied to “Smart Government” or “Smart Business”.   Whilst most discussion has been around the technology such as IoT, 5G etc, the real challenge and enabler will be data capture from the physical world and making decisions in real time.  Currently the risk of poor decision making is high with many critical business or government decisions made using historical rather than current data. 

Value in “Smart Services” will be delivered by accessing multiple data sources to make decisions and deliver benefits in real time rather than the siloed implementation across specific infrastructure and industries.

Although the number of potential applications for “Smart Services” is infinite, an example of the concept is the management of a disaster response to a cyclone.  More effective decision making is possible if all information was available simultaneously such as electricity outages, flood levels, weather conditions, road closures, emergency vehicle positions, location of 000 or SES calls, etc.  This information is available within separate organisations, but a combined single view is not.

To enable improved community or business outcomes, the ability to access useful data in real time and take action will be critical.  To realise the potential benefits will require further penetration of data sources (IoT), further establishment of fit for purpose connectivity (multiple technologies) and the ability to combine data from multiple sources into integrated decision support systems and publicly accessible digital services.  

Early planning is essential to establish a connectivity and data management environment that supports the organisations strategic goals.  In summary, successful organisations (Gov / Bus) will capture and use data to make evidence based, real time decisions, implement actions and be able to rapidly measure the outcome of those decisions.

Should you require further information please contact Craig Lordan, Managing Director of Gravelroad | email: craig.lordan@gravelroad.com.au

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