Four Key Digital Marketing Strategies –

Grow Your Business To The Next Level

Peter Curran, Director - digital surfer
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You’re the expert in your industry and people hire you for your expertise.  It’s the same with digital marketing. Taking your business to the next level means partnering with the right agency to utilise the digital marketing strategies that will work for your business in order to bring in genuine leads online, such as:

Website Design

A website is one of the top factors that influence a customer when choosing a business.

Your website needs to be engaging, responsive, fast to load – and most importantly, make it easy for customers to pick up the phone.

One of the key benefits a website adds to your business is the perception it creates for anyone who views the site.

Organic SEO

An important component of digital marketing is organic SEO and the process of getting recognised by the search engines.

SEO can put you at the top of the Google search results for the keywords your ideal customers are using when they’re ready to take action.

More customers who are actively ready to book, or buy, directly translates to an increase in work and, by extension, a better result for your business.

Paid Ads

PPC Ad strategies allow you to get very specific with who you want to see the ad – or even who you don’t want to see the ad.

This means that the people who do see it are the most qualified and likely to book your services or buy your product.

paid ads strategy can also include Microsoft ads (on Bing), social media ads (such as LinkedIn and Facebook Ads) and more.

Local SEO

When it comes to powerful marketing techniques for local businesses, a Google Business Profile can be the answer you’re looking for.

For many industries (dental, physiotherapy, veterinarians, etc), customers are unlikely to travel more than 10-15 minutes from their home or office.

Utilising your Google Business Profile will put you on the map, directly in their line of sight.

Where To From Here?

    Utilising any one, or a combination, of these strategies can improve your online presence in front of the clients who are ideal for your business.

    Specifically targeting this ideal segment is the best way to generate an increase in qualified leads that are primed to utilise your product or service. Read on for more details about these key strategies.

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