Feel It, See It, Hear It, Believe It

When talking about brand equity, it’s important to understand that a brand is far more than just a logo.

Jack Perlinski, Founder & CEO. Principal Strategy Advisor - DAIS

It’s not a job, it’s not a picture that we put on our business cards – it’s behaviours that are engrained and exist in every aspect of who we are, what we do, what we give and where we give it. 

Creating true brand equity is a lot like buying a home and paying a mortgage. We must invest in building brand equity so that one day it can pay a dividend. Investing across four channels of behaviour and connection will build value in our brands, and when we achieve that goal, we gain the liberty of choice to play with our brands and take them to places we only dreamt of going before. These four brand-building pathways are based around the model of Feel It, Hear It, See It and Believe It.

Feel It

It’s important that the people you work with and for can tangibly feel your passion for what you do. Do something today that allows your customers or your staff to feel your passion for your craft. Rather than just sell them something, get them to feel something, and this connects them to who you are and why you do what you do.

See It

Make your successes visible, and celebrate them. Let everyone see what you’re about and how you’re achieving success. Make sure to build case studies and environments that profile your accomplishments, and don’t forget to let people see how you create success for others. It’s vital that your staff, your market and your community see how you are connected to your world of achievement, and never take it for granted that they understand what you are achieving.

Hear It

Talk about your triumphs, your visions and values, and create opportunities to discuss it everyday. It’s important that you build your achievements and your brand promise into every script, and every communication that leaves your brand’s lips so that others can hear it.

Believe it

Stay true to your brand promise. Never fail to deliver on it; never vary from it; and constantly tune in and tune up who you are being, so that you stay on brand. Remember, brands that succeed know who they are and stay on script, but they also make a strategic commitment to reinventing themselves.

Your brand is not a product, it is a process, and to build brand equity you must Feel It, Hear It, See It and Believe It everyday for it to pay dividends and result in a return on your investment.

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