Are you looking to lower your operating costs, improve productivity and increase SALES?

Dan Peters, Partner, Edgeview Consulting

Most of us know what’s needed to increase productivity and improve sales numbers. But too often we are blocked by one or more of the following problems:

  • Profits are static, under threat, and morale is low due to constant price pressure;

  • Its recognised there is a need to cut costs, but the way forward is not known;
  • Getting things done has become stressful, difficult and sometimes confrontational - new ideas are abandoned or forgotten because the current culture allows it;
  • Culture is not results driven, lacks personal ownership and accountability;
  • Teams lack the experience, or desire to share the burden of winning new clients which in turn creates key person risk regarding your best sales people; or
  • There is an urgent need for fresh ideas and a fresh outside perspective – particularly around developing scale and proactively developing new business.

Fortunately, there are many different, highly effective, tools, methods and tactics to address each of the above problems. However, most leaders don't take action because they don't know where, or how to start the desired change process.

We believe the best place to start any new growth or change intiative is to conduct an independant “where are we now” program. With the support of an unbiased facilitator, you will confirm what is working well and must be preserved, and discover or confirm what is not working well and must be changed.

Once the discovery process is complete, you will have a clear diagnosis of what is affecting your profits, and limiting your abiility to take advantage of new opportunites to increase productivity, profits or expansion.

Most of us know the main impediment to realise new opportunities is not the lack of good ideas – it’s the application of effective change to support and deliver those opportunities. This is because it’s demanding and distracting to engage an organisation to execute that change for you.

It’s also prudent that after engaging the external team to conduct the discovery analysis, they be responsible, and accountable for completing all productivity and sales improvements identified.

Should you require further information please contact us: 

07 3532 3865 | 0405 053 155 |

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